Best Practices in PLC, HMI, and SCADA Programming

Best Practices in PLC, HMI, and SCADA Programming

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Best Practices in PLC, HMI, and SCADA Programming

While the following guidelines may seem general and obvious to experienced engineers, they can serve as a starting point for evaluating service providers for those seeking integrator or programming services. For beginners, this checklist of 'best practices' can be invaluable in their industrial automation journey.



Best Practices in Industrial Automation Programming


Comprehensive Documentation:

Maintain detailed project documentation, including logic diagrams, function descriptions, tag maps, and all relevant configuration information.


Programming and Industry Standards:

Adhere to programming standards in line with industry norms, such as IEC 61131-3 for PLCs. Consistent standards make code easier to understand for different programmers and are crucial for business or industry certification, as well as specific safety standards.


Communication Protocols:

Use standard communication protocols like OPC UA, Modbus, and Profibus to facilitate the integration of various systems and devices.


HMI Usability:

Design intuitive and user-friendly HMI interfaces to improve operator efficiency. Tailor interfaces to the needs of end-users and involve actual users in the design process whenever possible.



Divide programs into modules to simplify management and maintenance. Avoid overly complex functions within a single block of code to prevent future issues.


Performance Optimization:

Optimize code for performance, avoiding unnecessary operations. Demonstrating talent in problem-solving, proposing better solutions, and anticipating potential issues are invaluable, especially during production line startups.

ABM Industry - a reliable team of experienced industrial engineers

Control systems integration services, PLC progrmaming, HMI, SCADA & more


Implement robust security measures and emergency procedures, crucial in an industrial environment—covering both cybersecurity and occupational safety.


Tag Management:

Plan and manage tags carefully, assigning clear and descriptive names to facilitate data structure understanding and system usability for other users.


Testing and Simulation:

Conduct thorough testing and simulations before deployment. Avoiding testing on active production lines can prevent severe consequences. Ultimately, the prepared code must perform live, meeting the pre-defined performance levels.



Regular software updates are vital for maintaining production process efficiency. However, changes related to updates must be carefully managed to avoid disrupting production continuity or compromising safety.


Monitoring and Logging:

Utilize monitoring and logging features to track system performance, making it easier to diagnose and resolve issues.


Personnel Training:

Provide staff training on system operations to minimize human errors.


Backup and Restoration:

Perform regular backups of project files and configuration settings to enable quick system restoration in case of failure.


Support for Future Expansions:

Design systems with future expansions and modifications in mind, facilitating adaptation to new requirements, corporate goals, or global trends.

Our passion is achieving our clients' goals


At ABM Industry, we have been programming PLCs, creating visualizations and operator interfaces, and integrating control systems for years – helping to unlock the potential of industrial automation. We are trusted by both local manufacturers and international corporations.

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